Builders of Authority

Building a Brand Around Core Values & What You Stand For w/Johnny Buck

September 12, 2024 Adam McChesney Episode 132

Today I’m joined by someone I’ve got the chance to get to know over the last year plus. 

We were both clients inside of the WinRate Consulting community. Since I’ve became a coach for WinRate, we have gotten the chance to interact even more. Earlier this year he also joined our BOA Mastermind, which has been awesome having someone like him in our ecosystem. 

He’s one of the hardest working individuals that I know, and has really leveled up in both life and business over the last year. Watching his journey and knowing what he’s doing has been inspiring to say the least. 

My guest today is Johnny Buck. He is the Owner of Rogue Combat Club and his newly launched construction company, 13 Stripes Construction.

Johnny’s Bio:
I was born and raised by my entrepreneurial parents and lifelong athlete so self employment, sports and winning have been ingrained in me since a young age. 

I started karate when I was 6, but it wasn’t physical enough. I started and fell in love with football because we got to hit each other every practice before finding wrestling in 8th grade which turned grappling into my passion and future profession. 

I wrestled then through college at The Citadel for 5 years before getting into MMA where I fought for Bellator, the XFC and other regional shows. During that time I lost my first gym in a lawsuit with my ex-business partner but with my contract going with Bellator, I had to start my own gym. 

I founded Rogue Combat Club in 2013 while working multiple jobs and still fighting before retiring in 2016 and going full time entrepreneur in 2017.

From there I hit the top 1% of the industry in just 4 years. During that time I developed a world class customer experience, systems and team. 

My next goal is to shake up the contractors world with 13 Stripes Construction taking the last decade, combined with the lessons from my parents and outside the box thinking. 

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